Tay Ninh wastewater collection and treatment system project, phase I

On going
Geographical Area Vietnam: Tay Ninh
Sector Water & Sanitation

Total: €13,310,000

€9,700,000 Italy’s soft loan +

€140,000 Italy’s grant for TA +
€3,470,000 Vietnam’s local fund

Planned Conclusion 2021

Project aim

Improving the urban sanitation conditions for the residents of Tay Ninh town, where wastewater is currently discharged untreated, resulting in high levels of environmental pollution.

Main activities:

  • rehabilitation and construction of drain network;
  • construction of new wastewater treatment network and a treatment plant with capacity of 5,000 m3/day for 4 wards of the town;
  • training and specialized equipment for Tay Ninh authorities and workers in order to ensure proper management and operation of the drainage and sewerage systems.


Executing agency

Tay Ninh Project Management Unit, Tay Ninh Provincial People’s Committee

Strengthened the surveillance system of the Hospital of Pristina

Strengthened the surveillance system of the Hospital of Pristina

Other Partners:

Strengthened the surveillance system of the Hospital of Pristina

Strengthened the surveillance system of the Hospital of Pristina

Strengthened the surveillance system of the Hospital of Pristina

Degree of implementation