Pro.Sos – Sustainable production of medicine plants in Song Dong district

Under fomulation
Geographical Area Vietnam: Bac Giang, Son Dong
Sector Environment

Total: €724,404

€503,329 Italy’s grant +
€221,075 CIAI + counterparts

Planned Conclusion 2017

Project aim

Pioneering the sustainable domestic cultivation of healing herbs in Son Dong district of Bac Giang province. Healing herbs are key to the livelihoods of the local population, largely composed of ethnic minorities.

Main activities:

  • development of a production model with increased productivity and environmental sustainability of healing herbs cultivation, contributing to people’s income and to preventing the extinction of many of these plants;
  • awareness-raising of local community about biodiversity and environmental conservation and protection. Cultivators were linked to pharmaceutical companies in order to ensure sustainability of project results.


Executing agency

Centro Italiano Aiuti all’Infanzia (CIAI)

Strengthened the surveillance system of the Hospital of Pristina

Strengthened the surveillance system of the Hospital of Pristina

Other Partners:

Strengthened the surveillance system of the Hospital of Pristina

Strengthened the surveillance system of the Hospital of Pristina

Strengthened the surveillance system of the Hospital of Pristina

Degree of implementation